A commitment to innovation, productivity and sustainability

The HR you need at a fraction of the cost!

A passion for creating communicative and supportive spaces

At Lighthouse we understand the DNA of a company is what drives its policies and the “Why” behind the culture and environment you are cultivating. Let Lighthouse Processing work with you to establish the best HR practices for you! Taking the “ick” out of HR!

Culture Establishment

Every Company’s DNA is different. Let us help establish the culture that fits you best.

HR and Payroll Compliance

Support and consultation to our clients related to HR and Payroll tax and compliance questions.

Project Overhaul

Experience the ease of creating an HR department from scratch with our team at the lead! Let us take the “ick” out of your HR.


Experience the coaching and expert advice from our elevated HR team.

Continuous Training, Workshops and Support

Providing rapid and detailed support and training to clients promotes our ability to promptly and effectively collaborate with each client on their needs.

Cultivating Happy Work Environments

Building the best team possible for the most productive and cohesive work environments.

Contact Us Today!

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